How to Select an Object In Kineticjs?

2 minutes read

To select an object in KineticJS, you can use the on method to add a click event listener to the shapes in your stage. Within the event listener function, you can set the selected object's properties to indicate that it has been selected, such as changing its stroke color or modifying its opacity. You can then handle the selected object in other functions, such as moving or deleting it. Additionally, you can store the selected object in a variable to keep track of it and access its properties later on. This allows you to easily manipulate and interact with the selected object within your KineticJS application.

What is the selection handle in KineticJS?

A selection handle in KineticJS is a small draggable object that appears on the corners and sides of a selected shape, allowing users to resize or rotate the shape by dragging the handle. This feature makes it easier for users to manipulate shapes within a KineticJS application.

What is the selection behavior in KineticJS?

In KineticJS, the selection behavior refers to how objects on the canvas can be selected or deselected by the user. This behavior can include features such as clicking on an object to select it, dragging to select multiple objects, and styling the selected objects to indicate that they are selected. The selection behavior can be customized and controlled by the developer using KineticJS's API.

How to highlight a selected object in KineticJS?

To highlight a selected object in KineticJS, you can change its appearance by adjusting its properties such as stroke color, stroke width, and opacity.

Here's an example code snippet that demonstrates how to highlight a selected object in KineticJS:

var stage = new Kinetic.Stage({
    container: 'container',
    width: 500,
    height: 500

var layer = new Kinetic.Layer();

var rect = new Kinetic.Rect({
    x: 100,
    y: 100,
    width: 100,
    height: 100,
    fill: 'red',
    stroke: 'black',
    strokeWidth: 2

rect.on('click', function() {


In this example, when the rectangle object is clicked, its stroke color is changed to blue and its stroke width is increased to 4. The layer.draw() method is called to apply the changes and update the canvas. You can customize the highlighting effect by adjusting the stroke color, width, and other properties according to your needs.

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